Submission Guidelines

Submission Process

To submit an abstract, you will be required to create an account in the software system Conference Manager by clicking on the submission button below. Once on the software page, please follow the steps below.

  • Select the New User heading and choose “Create user profile”
  • After you create your account, you will use your email, and new password to log into the system
  • Please make note of your login details as they will be required for further submissions and registration
  • You will see a tile titled Abstract Submission with two options for submissions: Oral and Poster Submissions
  • Select the hyperlinked title for the desired submission type
  • Continue through the form completing the submission. Note, it is recommended to save the submission in draft prior to the deadline and edits are possible to the submission until the deadline date

If you encounter any difficulties, please email for assistance. This email is monitored Monday-Friday 0900-1600h Pacific Time Zone.

It is recommended that submitters do not wait until the last day to submit and that submitters ensure they have access to the system in advance.

Individual Submissions

Submissions Open: Friday, November 15

Talk Submissions Close: Wednesday, February 12

Poster Submissions Close: Tuesday, March 4

Notice of acceptance for talk submissions: Late-February 2025

  • If your submission is not accepted for a talk, you may resubmit it for a poster prior to the March 4 poster deadline

Notice of acceptance for poster submissions: Mid-March 2025

Individual oral sessions are made up of contributed individual talks. These talks are curated into sessions of similar presentation themes and are spread throughout the conference dates. Individual talk presentations provide an opportunity for a researcher to present to the full meeting and receive feedback on their specific research.

Individual poster sessions will be comprised of a variety of posters based on the theme and available for discussion at the designated poster sessions. There will be 2 designated poster sessions at the conference.

To submit an abstract, please provide the following information:

  • Title of the abstract in sentence-case format (capitalize the first letter in the first word with remaining words in lower case unless required). No punctuation unless required
  • Presentation format: Talk or Poster. Separate portals have been created for talks and posters. Note a maximum of 2 submissions total/person maybe submitted (2 oral or 2 posters or 1 oral and 1 poster).
  • Submission theme/keyword(s) that best matches your research. Maximum of 3 maybe selected
  • The abstract for review (maximum of 1500 characters)
  • The names, affiliations, and email address for each of the corresponding authors – in the order they should appear
  • Name of the presenting author
  • Declaration of author approval
  • Declaration of any conflict of interest
  • Position/Level of study (Undergraduate, Graduate Student, PhD, Postdoc, Professor/Faculty, Industry)